Cruise Lights

Cruise Lights

The smart cruise lights feature allows you to use ULC to specify extras that will be force enabled either:

  • Always
  • Based on time of day

Cruise lights are designed to increase visibility while not responding to scenes. There are some special use cases for cruise lights as well. For example, the Connecticut state police does not have liveries on their vehicles. Instead, they use cruise lights to identify the vehicles as police vehicles.

Real World Example

How to Create Cruise Lights

To create cruise lights simply create an extra that is just emissive mesh. Make sure the emissives are dimmed down instead of full brightness!

Cruise lights don't have to be sirens. They can just be plain emissive meshes that aren't scaled down. However, if you want environment lighting, or you want the steady burns to only show when the emergency lights are activated, then you should make these a siren.

Global Settings

These settings are found in the config.lua file under SteadyBurnSettings and affect all vehicles on the server that use ULC.


This value specifies the hour of the day when the cruise lights will activate.

nightStartHour = 18,


This value specifies the hour of the day when the cruise lights will deactivate.

nightEndHour = 6,


This value specifies the delay between checks for the cruise lights.

delay = 10,

Per-Vehicle Settings

These settings are found in ulc.lua and only effect the specified vehicle(s).


This value specifies whether the cruise lights should be forced on. If set to true, this will override the useTime setting and cruise lights will be enabled at all times.

forceOn = false,


This value specifies whether the cruise lights should be enabled at night. If set to true, cruise lights will be force enabled at night only.

useTime = true,


This value specifies whether the cruise lights should be disabled when the main lights are activated.

disableWithLights = false,


This value specifies which extras should be force enabled as cruise lights.

sbExtras = {1, 2}